Monday, January 30, 2023

Latest Doll Family Member - Patti Playpal!

 I have to admit that I find the life sized dolls appealing.  Over the years I've managed to add a few to my collection.  I have accumulated a few Patti and Patti-Wannabes.  Last week I went to an estate sale and "adopted" a Patti Playpal for $25.  That's quite a bargain!  She was in very good condition...just a few tiny marks on the back of her arms that might even come off with further cleaning, but hardly noticeable.  She's the doll behind the doll carriage.  A couple of her new sisters were still dressed from Christmas.

 I have only ever gotten one Patti Wannabe on eBay and never a Patti Playpal.  I found the Wannabe listed among the Vogue Ginny dolls on eBay and no one else bid.  I believe she was $25 too and her shipping was only $50 so I ended up spending $75.  Most of these dolls go way higher than I'll ever go and shipping is usually between $50-$100.  I got the Patti on the right at a doll show and she was $175 which is the most that I've ever spent on a doll and I've only spent that much twice.  I justified the expense because there was no shipping involved.  My thing is looking for the previously loved dolls and fixing them up.  I like to think I'm saving them and saving money at the same time.  :)

I always say "no more dolls" but have to admit that I have a little trouble sticking to my own rule.  Betty

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Doll Room Decorating

 I enjoy decorating my doll room with signs that I find on my travels.  Signs that say things I find very appropriate.  Here are a few:

This one isn't really a sign.  It's a coaster that I use as a sign because of what it said.

And this one is technically a button, but it says what I'm usually thinking!

Every so often I come across something online where a parent wonders if their child is too old to play with dolls.  Sometimes the child will be as young as 10 and often older.  Well, I'm here to reassure these parents that your child is never too old to play with dolls.  However, after a certain age it's better to call it "collecting" rather than "playing."  I'm 77 so I call it "collecting" dolls to most people.  I get enough strange looks just saying that I "collect."  Imagine if I said I "played" with dolls.

I do collect dolls but I find it boring when they just sit on a shelf.  I enjoy setting them up in different scenes.  I guess you can call that playing.  Yes, I still play with dolls!

Come out and play!  Betty

I'm Back...Still Too Many Dolls and Doll Stuff!

  It's been almost a year since I last posted.  I moved into this house last July.  It's a one story house which is really nice, but...