Saturday, January 22, 2022

One Of My Moods

For many years I had one of my childhood Vogue Ginny dolls and most of the clothes from my childhood stuck away in the back of a closet.  I didn't realize that people collected dolls and thought others would think I was nuts if I put my Ginny on display.  While living in Oklahoma in the 80's I purchased a Vogue Jill doll, but I still wasn't really collecting.  She joined Ginny in the back of the closet for safe keeping. From time to time I'd ask acquaintances if they had ever heard of Ginny dolls and the answer was always no. Then the Internet came along and my kids introduced me to eBay.  I wondered if there could possibly be any Ginny dolls up for auction. Not really expecting to find any I did a search.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  There were lots and lots of Ginnys!  The rest is history.  Through eBay I bought from collectors and before you knew it I had Ginny doll friends.  My dolls were out of the closet! That was around 1998.

I am not a mint collector.  For example I don't care if I have an outfit from 1953 on a 1953 doll.  I just want my dolls to look cute.  I also make changes to outfits if I think something doesn't look right.  I have actually always enjoyed "playing" with my dolls and acquiring furniture and accessories for them and setting them up in little scenes more than just collecting dolls.  I've always said that there are many different kinds of collectors which I think is good for the doll collecting world.  

Unfortunately, I'm running out of new ideas for different holidays though.  I also get in moods from time to time where I find that I need to give my dolls a little break.  I've been in one of those moods lately so I thought I'd post some pictures from Valentine's Day 2020.  Fortunately, my dolls haven't grown or changed much in 2 years.

Do kids today still have Valentine's Day parties at school?  Back in the 1950's we always did so my dolls continued that tradition.

Happy Valentine's Day a little early!!!  Betty


  1. So adorable! I started my blog so i could play dolls and maybe find other doll lovers, which I did! I’m so glad you brought your dolls out to play!

  2. Thank you Brenda for your kind comment. I found your blog on Pinterest a while back. I had a blog some years ago but everything has changed and I'm not sure I'm doing things correctly. I did try and leave you a comment at one time asking where you ordered the shoes for Bob (or maybe it was Jeff). If you see this can you let me know. Years ago I got shoes for Jeff by buying Ken wannabe dolls at Dollar Tree. The shoes fit Jeff and then I'd donate the dolls. Darn, I don't see those dolls anymore.

    1. Hi! I think I did respond to your comment, but just in case I missed it…sadly I can’t find those shoes anymore! I ordered them from eBay, but recently when I looked to order some more they weren’t there!! I did order some plastic Ken doll shoes and i used my hairdryer to soften the plastic to fit my Jeff and Bob dolls. I keep checking periodically to see if anyone is sellling those boy shoes. I’ll let you know if i see them again!

  3. Betty!!!! I've found you again, through Brenda's blog. You'd left a post, and I clicked on your LittleGinnyFaith link and voila! I thought; this must be Betty!!!! And it was. I still have my blog, but not my Telus website.

  4. YAY!!! So glad you found this blog again!


I'm Back...Still Too Many Dolls and Doll Stuff!

  It's been almost a year since I last posted.  I moved into this house last July.  It's a one story house which is really nice, but...